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  • Writer's pictureBrooks Spiess

Solar Eclipse Glasses

Good afternoon,

We have received an email from Amazon informing us that some of the glasses we purchased may not have been approved by the American Astronomical Society. We have placed a box of 100 glasses in the vestibule at the front of the school. We have scheduled the doors to the vestibule to be open until 8pm tonight and from 8am - 4pm tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience. Below is the message we received from Amazon. Please read it and follow the links to verify your glasses are safe.

-From Amazon

We write to notify you of a potential safety concern with a product that you purchased on

Your Order ID: 113-2643250-0809007

Affected Product: yohica Solar Eclipse Glasses Approved 2024(60 Pack, ISO and CE Certified Optical Quality Safe Shades for Direct Sun Viewing for Solar Eclipse

The product listed above was not included in the American Astronomical Society’s list of safe suppliers of solar eclipse viewers and filters and therefore may not be safe for viewing a solar eclipse.

If you still have this product, out of an abundance of caution, we recommend you not use it for the upcoming eclipse on April 8, and review the following information for more details, including how to view a solar eclipse safely and how to identify unsafe eclipse glasses:

Amazon offers many products approved by the AAS, including the following examples.

Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for the purchase, or if the original payment method is no longer available, we will apply an Amazon Gift Card to your account. You do not need to return this product to receive the refund. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from us once the refund has been processed and you’ll be able to view completed refunds in Your Orders,, by selecting "Order Details".

If you made this purchase for someone else, please notify the recipient immediately and provide them with the information.

The safety and satisfaction of our customers is our highest priority. We regret any inconvenience this may cause you.

Thanks for shopping at Amazon.


Customer Service

Please note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.


Estimado cliente de Amazon:

Te escribimos para informarte de un posible problema de seguridad con un producto que has adquirido en

Identificador de pedido: 113-2643250-0809007

Producto: yohica Solar Eclipse Glasses Approved 2024(60 Pack, ISO and CE Certified Optical Quality Safe Shades for Direct Sun Viewing for Solar Eclipse

El producto mencionado anteriormente no se incluyó en la lista de proveedores seguros de visores y filtros de eclipses solares de la Sociedad Astronómica Americana y, por lo tanto, puede no ser seguro para ver un eclipse solar.

Si aún tienes este producto, por precaución, te instamos a no usarlo para el próximo eclipse del 8 de abril, y revisa la siguiente información para obtener más detalles, incluyendo cómo ver un eclipse solar de manera segura y cómo identificar anteojos de eclipse inseguros:

Amazon ofrece muchos productos aprobados por la AAS, incluyendo los siguientes ejemplos.

Los reembolsos se emitirán al método de pago original utilizado para la compra, o si el método de pago original ya no está disponible, aplicaremos una tarjeta de regalo de Amazon a tu cuenta. No tienes que devolver el producto para recibir el reembolso. Recibirás un correo electrónico de confirmación una vez que el reembolso se haya procesado. Selecciona “Detalles del Pedido” para ver los reembolsos completados en Mis pedidos,

Si has comprado el producto para otra persona, notifica de inmediato al destinatario y proporciónale la información.

La seguridad y la satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestra máxima prioridad. Lamentamos las molestias que esta situación te haya podido causar.

Gracias por comprar en Amazon.


Servicio de atención al cliente

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